You want success  likewise me. Everyone desires success-both the young and the old. We all wish to be successful in life. What a great pursuit? We want good things for ourselves. That’s good! But trust me,  wishes or desire alone can not produce any success. If there’s something I have learned about success, it is that success doesn’t come for free. Never! Though many of us seem to know this fact, and that’s why we fastened our belts and join the race for the pursuit of life’s goodies.
We struggle day and night, and hustling here and there because we want to make it. Yet, nothing seems to have changed for the better. Then we started consoling ourselves with words of hope and encouragement. We remember the word of Robert Schuller which says, “though times never last, but tough people do“. But we often don’t border to ask ourselves if we are tough. Because only ‘tough people‘ can survive tough time as it comes. And every success pursuer and purpose driven individual will surely pass through a period of hardship, challenges and problems-tough time. Many great dreamers have died with their dreams unfulfilled, because they were not tough enough to survive their tough times. They’re gone before the tough time is over, and so no success was recorded by them. Before you can record any meaningful achievement in life, you got to ‘be tough‘. What does it mean to be tough? What does it take to be tough? Find out below, the two things that are crucial for attaining success in every area of life.

I have read many books and sat under different lectures where the speaker spoke about success and how to achieve success. Different speakers and writer have suggested different principles for achieving success. But what am about to reveal to you was not based on what I read in any book, rather, it’s what I learned recently when I was passing through one of the toughest times of my life ever since I was born. I learned that the two things which guarantee success in life are “focus and endurance“. How?

Focus means to concentrate, give total attention and be determined. If you truly want something, then focus your attention on it. If you pursue without focus, you will soon get lost or be distracted. But if you know what you want, and you focus your brain, mind and life on it, you will soon celebrate success. Do not divide or diverge your focus. This is the first thing you need. And the second one is endurance. This is indispensable for achieving success in any area of life. I love how the word is defined in a dictionary I used. It says, “endurance: the measure of a person’s stamina or persistence. Or ability to endure hardship.” Many of us are fond of saying that life is to be enjoyed and not to be endured. What a misinform? Don’t you know that success is always at the other side of the mountain? And before you can get to the enjoyment phase of life, you must pass through some challenges-tough times. And during this time, only endurance could help you through. When it seems like all hope is lost. When you are thinking of giving up on that your great dreams, endurance is what you need. With endurance, you will be able to always stay a little more time instead of quitting. Endurance will help you to always try one more time until you succeed.

These two qualities were behind the unbeatable success of a man called Jesus Christ. He knew what he wanted, he was aware of his purpose on earth, so he focus on it and endured all the hardships-shame, pains (and even death because it was necessary for his purpose). No wonder today, He is the most successful man ever to have lived on the surface of the earth. Learn from him and be successful (Hebrews 12:2).

Before I put my pen down, let me give you the real definition of success, so that you won’t be running after what is not. Success simply mean “setting goals and achieving them. It also means having a dream and fulfilling it”. Be tough! Have focus and endurance. Your success is inevitable!

Gbadebo Dahunsi blog 

Purpose life ministry

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