Category Archives: READ BOOKS


FEW years ago, I was nothing. But today?
…….Find out below………

IT all began when I started reading books few years ago. As I read, I always admire the name of the authors of those books, and I wouldn’t mind seeing my name also at the front back cover and inside the pages of books. So it became my dream to have my own name boldly written in front of many books as the author. But this dream seemed too big and even impossible, if one considers my background (ordinary village boy) and my capabilities(struggling with speaking English) as at that time. But who cares about what people think or say about me and my dream? All I knew was that my dream was more important to me than anything, and I would do everything possible to make it a reality. Though it was not too easy, but I started anyway. IN just few years, that same dream of mine that seemed impossible then, was not only made possible, but it’s now a reality. Today, it always gladdens my heart to see my name, GBADEBO DAHUNSI, appearing at the front back-cover and on the pages of many books, seminar materials, news media and lot more. HOW did I do it? Simple!

I first #DESIRE-d it. I then #DREAM-ed it and I started #WORK-ing earnestly on it. But not without #GOD. That’s the power of great DREAM, strong AMBITION and a persisting PERSISTENCE. You must learn something from this. Think! Think!! Think!!! And take a bold step. Follow your dream!

You can invite me to teach any of the above topics in your church, school or at any youth program.

I hope I have motivated someone with this short piece? That’s what I live for (#Purpose_Life_Media). -GBADEBO DAHUNSI-



Readers are leaders. Do you want to be great? Start reading great books.


TITLE: Tough times never last, but tough people do

AUTHOR: Robert H. Schuller

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Robert Harold schuller is a great minister of God. He is the founder of Crystal Cathedral, an America church. In this book, Robert Schuller used his personal experience on how he had handled the tough times in his life to teach the world that everyone can actually overcome any challenges that he or she may be facing. Challenges are part of our lives, but we can overcome them as they come. So that we can move forward in life.​

You will learn how to handle hard times and how to react to every unpleasant situation that may surface as you strife towards greatness in life.Go and get this book now! 


..Gbadebo Dahunsi 




BREIF DESCRIPTION: THINK BIG is written by a highly respected and world renowned medical doctor, Benjamin Solomon Carson. He attained his popularity after he successfully separated the siamese twins who were born joined together with their skulls. ​

THINK BIG is a great book to start with, for every individual who desires great success in life. You will learn how to think big, conceiving great ideas and how to beleive in the possibility of your great dreams. Get this book now and read your way to greatness. 

For Lagos residents, living around Iyana Ipaja, Alimoso, Aboru areas, You can contart Gbadebo Dahunsi on +2347062582507 to order for this book.


To get a copy of my new book, START DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE, use the same contact above. WISH YOU SUCCESS IN LIFE.


Most of us believe that prophets are the only set of people with a special and divine ability to foresee and predict what would happen in the future before they really happen. But do you know that you don’t need a prophet anymore before you can find out what the future have in stock for you? Yes! There is a simple formula you can use to predict your own future. In subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, it is believed that if one uses the right formula and follow the rules carefully, he or she will surely get the right answer. There is a mathematical formula we popularly Called ‘Almighty formula’ when we were in secondary school. Can you remember it? But today, I will be revealing to you a formula more powerful and useful than the so called almighty formula. I called this formula the “Prophetic formula”, because it can be used to predict the future. With this formula, you too will be able to look into your future by yourself and for yourself without running to one Prophet or Imam to know what awaits your nearest future. Find out the formula now and thank me later.
It baffles me a lot whenever I hear people saying things like “no one knows tomorrow ” or “We don’t know what the future holds”. this was only because we don’t pay much attention to those things that matter in life. If our Creator could say “I know the thoughts that I think towards you, … give you an expected end”(Her 29:11).” Why are you still saying that you don’t know what the future holds? Your future will definitely hold what you put into it. I mean whatever you do with your life now, that’s what you meet in the future. Of course, what goes around must surely comes around. You will reap whatever you sow. No abracadabra. And another popular Scriptural verse says “as man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So why are we people fond of saying that we don’t know tomorrow? As a person, I don’t have much belief in Destiny or Luck. I believe that life is a choice. Our individual life is like a blank cheque. God has issued a blank cheque to everyone of us, we will then write whatever we want with our own hands. And what you write/input is what you get. Simple! 
If knowing your future before it comes matters to you, so that you can make every necessary adjustment in order to build a better future for yourself, then you are to always make use of the formula am about to reveal to you. You might have heard or (probably) seen this before but maybe you don’t count it as anything. But I believe that after reading this, you will definitely adopt it as a prophetic formula to always look into your future and to cross examine yourself and how you live your life so that you can build a better future. Let me show you how I derived th formula now.

In life there are three periods: the past, the present and the future. Also known as yesterday, today and tomorrow respectively. And if you observe deeply, you will notice that there are some things you’ve done in the past that you’re enjoying now. And conversely, there are many things you fail to do that you’re now suffering from their consequences. That’s life.
Using the above hypothesis, we can now come up with a formula to predict how the future will look like. First, Your future is the product of your past and your present (Note: it is product and not sum). To represent this mathematically, we have [PAST × PRESENT = FUTURE]. But we usually overlook the past because we’ve been taught not to dwell in our past. That’s good. But do you know that your past will definitely have (a multiplicative) effect on your present and your future? Yes, it is clearly revealed in the first equation above. But the good news is that even if your past was bad, you can actually neutralize the past to the power of zero, giving one (1). This can only be achieve through what you do with your present, so that your bad past won’t have much bad effect on your present and your future. So the equation becomes [1×PRESENT=FUTURE]. Which simply means that you forget about your past and work harder on your present to get a better future. And you can also turn your present to zero (0) by doing nothing with your present or by wasting the precious time you have now. Then the formula will become [PAST × O = FUTURE ]. Am sure you know that anything multiply by zero is zero?
Prophetic Formula Derivatives

#1. If your past was good and you also make good use of your present, no doubt; your future is great. The formula is

[ GOOD × GOOD = BEST ]. 

#2. If your past was bad but you make a better use of your present, the future would be better.


#3. If your past was good but you’re wasting and doing nothing with your present, the future would be like

[ GOOD × O = BAD ]

#4. If your past was bad and you’re doing nothing to help your present, the future will be worse.

[ BAD × BAD = WORSE ]. 
In conclusion, from the above formular derivatves, it is now crystal clear that truly you can determine the kind of future you want to live. Whether bad or bright. All you need to do is either you continue wasting your time or you start making a better use of your present time. Even if your past was not too good or extremely bad, there is still a great hope for your future if you are ready to work on yourself and do what you suppose to do starting from now onward. If I were you, I will make use of this new year—2017, to build my life to fit into the best formula. Because now you know the right formula for yourself, and the corresponding future result. Therefore, live rightly. Now you can thank me. But you know what? Let’s thank God. Get a copy of my new book titled START DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE, and begin to experience unlimited possibilities in this year.

LIKE our Facebook pages; gbadebodahunsi blog or Purpose Life Media, to connect and enjoy lots of packages loaded for 2017. You will be happy you do.

Invite Gbadebo Dahunsi  to talk at youth, social, corporate or religion gathering.

Contact: +2347062582507


Facebook page:




I welcome you all, our readers to this new year.It is a great privilege to witness another year on earth, but it is greater to live your years with purpose. While the greatest thing is to fulfill your purpose on earth. Purpose Life Media (PLM) started two years ago, we did it last year and we are fully prepared to do it again this year; helping as many youth as possible to make a choice to be living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

I, Gbadebo Dahunsi, the founder of Purpose Life Media (PLM) was personally impressed by people’s responses and positive feed back from those who read our inspirational, motivational and purpose full write-ups last year, either on our Facebook pages, Web blog or our published articles on the Nigeria largest online news media, We hope to hear more from you this year so that we can always feel encouraged to do more and serve you better.
This year is fully loaded with bulk of life transforming write ups from Gbadebo Dahunsi and also introducing write up from other talented youths across the country. Kindly check our Facebook pages and blog for a time-to-time updates. Feel free to drop your opinion and comment on any of our posts. Let make it interactive this year. Let rob minds together to arrive at a propitious conclusion.  Kindly invite your friends to read here, and join our facebook pages.Together we can change this world to a better place.

Our blog now comes with new categories which includes: 

° Love & Relationship, 

° Nigerian Novel, 

° Read books etc.

Purpose Life Media (PLM) offers the following services: 

° Book writing training,    ° Blogging advice/mentorship, 

° Article promotion,       °Motivational talks & Seminar for youths, 

° Recommendation of great books for reading, etc.

Get a copy of the book START DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE by Gbadebo Dahunsi, and start doing what people don’t believe that you can ever do.



Mobile: +2347062582507 (Plus Whatsapp)


Facebook: Gbadebodahunsi blog 

Facebook: Purpose life media.



Gbadebo Dahunsi, B.TECH 

        (Founder, PLM)



This year has been a generous and wonderful one, loaded with bulk of propitious and fact revealing messages. My favorite quote is a scriptural declaration of a practical fact, and it says, “you will know the truth and the truth will make you free”. I so much love that quote because It is practical. It is experimental. It is the truth. It’s tested and trusted. Believe me, it works. Ignorance puts a man in bandage, but truth liberates. I always use this analogy whenever I talk or write about the important of knowing the truth; “if you are enjoying your ice-cream, and you want to keep your little kid away from it while you go inside to check something in the kitchen. Do you know that you can simply keep the child away from touching your ice-cream by demonstrating to the child that the ice-cream is very hot? But in truth, was the ice-cream hot? In fact, would an ice-cream ever be served hot? No! you can say No because I know the truth about ice-cream. But what about a little and innocent kid who doesn’t know anything about ice-cream. Ofcourse, he may know that ice-cream is sweet, but you can keep him away by faking him that it is very hot this time around. And he watches over the ice-cream until you return. In a similar way, you becomes a fool when you lack the truth about what you suppose to know.”People perish because they lack wisdom “.

Let me give you another common analogy. Long time ago when we were growing up as kids in the village, our parents used to rear those local fowls. How? They go to the market and purchase about two or three chickens. Then they bring them home, tie rope round one of the legs, and tie the other end of the rope to a stick. The chickens remain tied for some days to make them get used to the new home, so that whenever they go out, they will be able to return back home without been lost. During those few days, the chickens are usually well taken care of. But what can be compare to freedom? Their movement is restricted to the length of the rope. They recieve lots of punishments from other fowls around. They can not run, they can not hide. So they are vulnerable to suffering. After few days, the chickens are untied. But something surprising is that, even without rope on their legs, these chickens couldn’t move beyond the point they usually stop during those days when the rope was still on their legs. We will have to push them and send them away before they started to work freely. Why? Because they lack the truth. They didn’t known that they can now move freely because the rope is removed. They thought they will never be able to walk around freely again. Their brain, their thinking, their mentality has been reprogrammed to believe that they are always under restriction. You remain in a cage as a result of your ignorance. But the moment you know the truth, your liberty follows immediately. When we pushed those chickens and they walked some few distance away, then their thinking changed, and they realized that they are now free. When they knew this truth, the truth set them free indeed. 

“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Now that you know the cost of ignorance and the wonder of knowing the truth, the next thing is to ask yourself, how can I know the truth about things that matter in life. How do I know the truth? Simple! The answer is wrapped in this scriptural passage; “Faith comes by hearing …….” What you always listen to soon becomes your belief and your philosophy of life. Another passage gives another but similar answer to how you can know the truth. It says, “This book…must not depart from your hand……read day and night”. That’s all. The best two ways to know the truth are through hearing and reading. Now be sincere, how many seminar have you attended in your life time? How many books have you read before? And you want to be great. Sorry, wake up from your nightmare. If you are not reading, you are only jeopardising your future. Because another Scripture says, “…….to give you an expected end”. But what are you expecting if you’re wasting away your life now? Don’t forget that scriptural passage which says, “Man is what he thinks in his heart”. And you know that it is what you know that defines what you will think and what you know is what you hear or read about. You can never be greater than your thinking. Won’t you rather start reading now so that you can think big and better?

Where will I start from? Is that your question? Well, PURPOSE LIFE MEDIA ( OR is the answer. It’s created to lead every individual, especially, the youths, into the discovery of their purpose in life. Everyone is create for a particular purpose. But majority of us do not care to find out what our purpose is. Can you answer these questions? Why are you created? Why were you born into that family, that village, that city? Why are you a Nigerian? Why are you where you are presently? It is for a purpose. But do you know the purpose? Do you know your purpose? Why are you living? What do you live for? Reading good books and listening to good teachings will help you realize and discover your purpose. Beside news, also brings to you, great articles from young and purposeful Nigerian’s youths. Read them and you will gain a lot. Also, starting from January 2017, Purpose life Media (founded by Gbadebo Dahunsi) will commence recommendation of powerful inspirational and motivational books by great authors across the globe. You can always check the blog to see our list of books that will definitely lead your life to fulfillment. Start reading because readers are leaders. Readers know the truth and the truth they know make them free. 

Get my latest power-packed book, START DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE.  Contact; +2347062582507


What is that thing you always FEEL LIKE DOING?

Tell me what you always 


but it seems impossible for you to do.

In fact, people around you don’t believe in you doing it.

your answer is the final, it doesn’t matter

What people are saying; yours is superior.

if only you really want to do it, 

there is nothing impossible to achieve,

what you need are just 


to make it happen.

in my new book titled;


Contact now to get your copy.



Education or your certificate may make you successful, but only your God-given TALENT will make you great and fulfilling.

         _Gbadebo Dahunsi

Every individual is created with a unique ability to do something; and even doing it better than every other person. You can call it a potential, or talent,or gift, or skills. Whichever you may prefer calling it, you will be right.

There is something unique about you. No matter who you are, no matter your background or your level of education; there is something inside of you that could make a way for you and place you on top of the world. It makes Ben Carson unique among the doctors. It makes Albert Einstein a unique physicist. It makes Wole Soyinka a unique professor. It makes Tope Alabi a unique gospel singer while it makes Olamide a unique Yoruba hip hop/rap artist.  It is this same thing that makes Messi a unique footballer and Mikel Jordan a unique basket baller and placed them all on top of the world.It is also inside of you.​​

The only task before you is to discover what is it and start to develop it. The Wright brothers discovered their own and they developed it into an aeroplane. John Maxwell developed his own into (leadership and motivational) books. Of course, I have discovered mine and trying to develop it. It is now your turn. DISCOVER THE SEED INSIDE OF YOU and start to DEVELOP IT as soon as possible. You must realise that your talent is the surest path to the fulfillment of your purpose in life. Meaning, your talent is your purpose!

Don’t forget, the earlier the better.



LIKE our facebook pages: purpose life media or gbadebodahunsi blog. And you can contact +2347062582507

Gbadebo Dahunsi
(CEO, purpose Life Media)