Category Archives: Biochemistry

ONE YEAR OF NYSC (My Experience) day_2. 


Calling it a great dream is never an over-emphasis, in fact, it is closer to an understatement. This is because before any young Nigerian could make his/her way up to NYSC, he/she must have passed through, if not a hell, atleast, a radiating-oven experience. Education they say, is the best legacy. So, achieving this kind of dream is indeed a great achievement in the history of mankind.

When the dream first came, I knew nothing about how to go about it. But one thing I know; I just want to wear that Khaki one day. And as we grow older, things began to appear clearer, and I discovered that one must spent yet, another six years in Secondary School after the six year of primary education. My primary School period was fun. Nothing like personal studying. No exam tension or fear of failure. What do we know then? Absolute nothing. Our daily routine ‘be like’, Wake up in the morning, Eat (sometimes no bathing), rush to School, listen to Stories, Play very well, go back home, Eat again, play satisfactorily, Eat again and play, play and play until Sleep comes into the scene. ​


But Secondary School was quite different. As we now study to avoid failure. Because if you fail certain subjects, you will be asked to repeat class. Who want to repeat? God forbid bad thing. But only hard work is the answer. Now the routine changed from what it used to be to what it should be. “Wake up, bath, eat, go to School, listen carefully to our teachers’ teachings, do class work, copy assignment, go home, eat, do assingnment, watch plates, take dinner and read until the nature demands rest”. Responsibility is now at its peak. At early stage of my secondary School, I’ve already purposed in my heart to go to the University to study Medicine & Surgery. 

In the University, I encountered so much challenges that (figuratively),   a 200 pages book can not convey various difficuties and hardships I battled with as an undergraduate and as a Biochemistry student in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo State. Firstly, I battled with a change of direction from the desired Medicine & Surgery to Biochemistry. I later fall in love with it and never regret studying Biochemstry. Secondly, I struggled with a bad and shameful 100 level result. I conquered this by changing my reading habit and studying harder. What about financial incapability which imposed serious sufferings? But with all these, God helped me to make it to 500 level (final year). As if that was the end. But another antagonist arose which I would like to keep for now. Find out what happened next.  “If you have a dream, don’t give up on it but always press forward because you will get there one day”-Gbadebo Dahunsi. It is just a matter of time. Have faith back with patience and pray as you work hard. You will soon be celebrated.


day_3: (A Dream comes True)

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